an immersive RP tavern
Located at Excalibur, Lavender Beds, Ward 17, Plot 43. Opens every Saturday, and sometimes serendipitously.

IC Rules (written on the back of the menu)
1. No fighting. Fighting goes in the Argument Gazebo outside.
2. No damaging the books. Take any you want home with you for free, though, and damage them there if you want.
3. Do not go behind the bar. Do not climb on the bar.
4. Do not bring drugs or large weapons into the venue. Both will be confiscated; drugs won't be returned.
5-7. Do not bother the bards. Do not bother the bards. Do not bother the bards.
8. Yes, there is a ghost. Yes, she's allowed to be here. Please do not attempt any exorcisms.
9. The bartender's name is Sachiko. Not Sachi, Sachiko. It's on her nametag. Sa-chi-ko. Under no circumstances should you call her Sachi.
Scratched in under these, unnumbered, are two additional rules:NO VOID BULLSHIT IN THE BAR.
NO PETS, BUT FAMILIARS ARE FINE AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT COMMIT ACTS OF MALICE.Breaking any of these rules may result in negative IC consequences.OOC Rules
1. This is a heavy immersive roleplay tavern. No OOC chatter in /say, no discussion of real world events. If you are in the bar, you are playing a character in the FF14 universe. Please use quotation marks to denote dialogue so everyone can tell that it is your character speaking.
2. This is a strictly SFW, all ages venue. No ERP, light ERP, unnecessary descriptions of touching, or anything else that someone might squint at and mistake for ERP.
3. No acting like a creep. This includes sending unsolicited weird tells to people, trying to pressure someone into roleplaying with you when they have made it clear that they do not want to, or participating in any other kind of OOC harassment.
4. No slurs, transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, or any other kind of real-world prejudice. IC-specific conflict (e.g., Garleans, voidsent) will be handled IC. [Yes, this means that "no void bullshit" is an IC sentiment, not an OOC one - it's open 'voidy' activities that will get your character into trouble!]Breaking any of these rules will get you ejected and possibly permanently banned from the bar. If you see someone doing anything on the above list, please report it to staff immediately.
Currently the bar has one member of staff, Sachiko Palluna. She has no Carrd; find out IC.~~And now introducing our new bartender, Allison Dazkar! ...Who also doesn't have a Carrd!Bard music is generously provided by members of the Wandering Bole.Discord available here.